Are you a basic bitch. 33 Things That Every Basic B*tch Likes

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Am I A Basic Bitch?

are you a basic bitch

Why don't basic girls get tagged as enjoying a college education? Date parties in college Let us guess -- you wore a bandage dress? Her favorite shows include 2 Broke Girls, How I Met Your Mother, and reruns of Friends. Here are a few ways to tell the difference between a bad bitch and a basic bitch: It has nothing to do with looks. Folks… If the answer to many of these questions was yes…you might just be a basic operator bitch. Guaranteed, there's a poster from Breakfast at Tiffany's or black and white photo of Marilyn Monroe on at least one of her walls. The bad bitch knows that a diverse group of friends and experiences is the key to personal growth and development. This Basic shoved my friend who was working at the venue. I don't know which is worse actually - calling men 'Sally,' a bitch, or telling guys to stop 'acting like a girl' is incredibly insulting because you're saying that showing feminine traits is a laughable, heinous crime.


The Rise and Fall of the 'Basic Bitch'

are you a basic bitch

The has been much discussed recently in the scientific community; as our understanding of it deepens, so, too, does our knowledge of the natural world. If you were so 'non-basic,' you wouldn't even be on the boring basic train to begin with. Next time you truly wish to insult someone which I do not condone , at least make it interesting. Basic bitches stick to what they know. They may also believe they hold a higher standard then regular people. Feel free to say it in your best Shakespearean accent, too. A world where we can all live our damn lives in peace, pouring ourselves a glass of rosé as we do it.


21 Signs You’re A Basic B*tch

are you a basic bitch

They love the foggy cool mornings for their photogenic, just enough sweat, yet perfect hair, morning runs with a 50-pound rucksack. Basic bitches quote Marilyn Monroe. Tweeting at Ryan Gosling Oopsies, someone drank a little too much sweet white wine and now she's harassing Ryan Gosling on Twitter. When the basic bitch gets drunk, she becomes a woo girl. You're a band wagon sports fan. You get a sixer of wine coolers to pregame. At least her movies are in color.


How To Tell if You're a Basic Bitch

are you a basic bitch

A basic bitch lives in fear, while a bad bitch lives in hope. A basic bitch thinks looks are everything. So what if you're obsessed with pumpkin spice lattes, , and Forever 21 — enjoying things that lots of other girls love doesn't make you lame. Bad bitches try to understand. She believers herself to be unique, fly, amazing, and a complete catch, when really she is boring, painfully normal, and par. Her celebrity crush is a three-way tie between Ashton Kutcher, Tom Brady, and Channing Tatum.


Basic Bitch

are you a basic bitch

Someone who is unflinchingly upholding of the status quo and stereotypes of their gender without even realizing it. While the basic bitch wants a man that will handle her at her worst, a bad bitch wants a man that will make her better. Your Tiffany Sterling Heart Tag Toggle necklace from 2005 is still displayed on your neck. Spineless, weak, someone who mindlessly absorbs information only to be wrung dry later: sponge! But there are definitely some pros for any guy who wants to date one. Ooh, the new Shia Labeouf movie! I am not an operator, I am a grunt. She's just waiting for Katherine Heigl to make her comeback. See example: Actual text from last night.


How to Spot the Basic Bitch: A Field Guide

are you a basic bitch

Hermione is her favourite Harry Potter character - obviously. You prefer a trolley bus over a night at the club most nights. May it stand you in good stead as you make your way through the world. Meme culture, smartphones, and the internet in general all exploded around this time, and slang previously only used in smaller, marginalized groups suddenly burst into the mainstream. She hasn't seen any Wes Anderson films, but she really wants to.


How To Know If You're Dating A Basic Bitch

are you a basic bitch

By now you've probably heard about the basic bitch. I pretty much hate high heels, almost as much as I hate plucked eyebrows. When she takes her girl trips to Las Vegas and there will be plenty you can expect lots of selfies, a shot of Britney in concert, and the hashtag whathappensinvegas. Next time you're at her apartment look for something French: an Eiffel tower, a generic poster, a copy of French Women Don't Get Fat. It doesn't flatter you When you use the insult 'basic,' you're saying you're so above someone else that you can't even be bothered to come up with an actual offense because you're just. It's not, don't pretend it is, it's not. Going abroad to Florence Every girl who went abroad to Florence qualifies.


Why It's Time to Give Up 'Basic Bitch'

are you a basic bitch

Yoga pants are the greatest thing since sliced bread, but let's not forget there are other pants that need attending to. Speaking of posters, she really identifies with some dead starlet; most likely Audrey Hepburn or Marilyn Monroe. What an interesting, compelling dig! White converse To be fair, these are kind of a basic staple. How can anyone, jokingly or not, propagate a term that says this group of girls is special and valuable and this group of girls is boring, which means they are expendable? I think my fav is the 'Summer Peachy Fun-Time Beach' one, I posted a pic of it on instagram? People call women they don't like bitches, and it's a common name for assertive women. Each journey from Basic Bitch to Bad Bitch is unique to the individual; as such, there are no guidebooks or rules to follow in order to achieve Bad Bitch status. By getting some actual opinions, innovative ideas, high self confidence, and a grasp of reality, then you're getting somewhere! You occasionally believe in Jesus Christ, but only when your love life is in shambles and you need a higher power to make it through. Snap pics of your meals daily.


How Basic Are You?

are you a basic bitch

We lobbed the insult at each other, because in using it, we were also declaring our own uniqueness, our own lack of basic-ness. You drink pumpkin spice lattes. The basic bitch is hardly something we women aspire to be — though, in truth, we do cross into basic territory every once in a blue moon case in point, drinking Blue Moon. Anything you drink is basically a giant vagina. Look for a poster in the bathroom. For your car, your laptop, even your lower back. You enjoy a glass of summertime rosé as much as the next girl.

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